Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Uniting Jerusalem - Conflicting Jerusalem

Living in Jerusalem is not easy, however, it is definitely a special experience for someone who isn’t from Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the one of the holiest places for the three main religions in the world today, Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Those three religions are most similar generally speaking, however I wouldn’t be able to say they are getting along well here or else where. Especially when it comes to Islam and Judaism. Jerusalem contains many tensions of many kinds, but when the matter is narrowed to religion, nothing becomes possible to agree on....
One of the things most irritating as I see is that instead of talking about what’s common, people look at what is not common for some reason, or many reason I guess one could say. As if they are doing themselves a favor when they prove to themselves they don’t resemble a person from the adversary, some sort of self reassuring. Who moves the moves actually to make the atmosphere so overwhelmed by these feelings? Something causes people before hand to assume that the other person is less good than he or she is, or that he or she hates them for what they are. Maybe in fact it doesn’t matter what is different, because that is personal, as in the Uniqueness of each individuality. What would happen if we started looking at what is common? I don’t think something horrible would result, maybe something great would ‘surprise’ us.
When one is in Jerusalem, he has to start living the real Jerusalem in order to understand. To do that, one has to mingle, just as if he is in some sort of a big ball and he is a stranger to all the people there and has to get his way in by knowing the all different types. The population of Jerusalem is one of the most diverse in almost every aspect one can think of. Religious, cultural, political, national, lingual, and more... One can witness in Jerusalem a most amazing collection of human types, yet he should notice the disintegration that the majority is soaked in.
The apathetic common answer, that I don’t mind the religion, but I mind the people who represent it because of the they represent it has lost its gravity long time ago I believe. One has to start dealing with the people the way they are, because no one can demand anymore from another individual to change in order to co-exist together. One has to learn to live with what there is in the best way and reach some sort of cold equilibrium at least for the beginning by isolating the points of dispute for a relative brief moment and start exploring the overlapping and the common. Now all there is left to figure out, is how to start and build such a mental, in some way, mechanism and present it in a form that would leave no possibility for anyone to oppose it because he is a human being. That is the first common ground we stand on, and only from there one can start, not even one step afterwards all of us being the the species of life that is called Humans!

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. I strongly disagree with the idea of mingling. I do not like this reality nor did I choose it, a bit more that 60 years ago I had a better reality, I had fertile land, all my relatives lived close to me I was able to move where I pleased, I had an Arabic culture. I will not under no circumstances accept to live with WHAT THERE IS. I would have liked to maintain what I had, and those who you are asking me to focus on what I have in common with, really have nothing in common with me, I'm not a thief, my land was stolen, I'm not a criminal my nation has been massacred
